Self Awareness Program

How do you relate and interact with others and the world around you?

Would you like to become more self aware, refine your boundaries
and enhance your relationships with yourself and others? 

This course can help enhance and improve the way you relate to your family, friends, colleagues and others by gaining more awareness around your boundaries, interactions, communication and more.

In a small group setting, you will learn to identify areas where you'd like to become more aware, including your communication style, becoming more authentic by acknowledging and respecting your own boundaries, how you relate and interact with others and gain more insight about yourself.  

Interactive and social, you are given the opportunity to gain awareness of yourself and others needs within a group environment. As the group gets to know each other, the topics get a little deeper each week, with the invitation to open up and explore yourself and your new learned awareness, gaining trust within the space as others feel comfortable to share and explore themselves alongside you. 

The connection and trust that is built within the group is an intentional and strategic part of the program which is why attending all the sessions is highly recommended to get the most 
out of the program and is a vital part of making the program a success for all participants. 



Learning about the different aspects of communication. Exploring and practicing the listening aspect of communication.

Active Listening
Boundaries/Comfort Zone
Where did we get our messages /beliefs from 
Intro to Shadow work

Self Care Plan 

We follow a Maori Te Whare Tapa Wha model (Tikanga Maori).

Social/Family are covered.


Looking at the difference between Passive, Assertive and Aggressive Interaction around your family/work/social.

Karpman's Drama Triangle - Persecutor/ Victim / Rescuer 

How these roles play out in various relationships and family/ social situations; understanding yourself better and your go to roles.


Boundary Setting

Learning to live your truth while respecting other people’s rights to live theirs. Gaining clarity on what your boundaries are in your life and ‘coming home’ to your authentic space within your opinion, moral judgement and what you know to be right for you. This helps you realise that when you are true to yourself, your energy is aligned with truth, integrity and stability. While living true to your boundaries, you are stable and effectively able to help others.

Active Listening

When you listen, you are holding space for the person talking to hear themselves think, sort and process. That is 90% of the healing. The other 10% is just knowing you care, with no agenda or expectation to give them advice. The real gift is when they come up with the answer for themselves and you facilitated that insight. This course teaches active listening skills to encourage supportive communication for healthier relationships.


Course Facilitator - Miriam Meijer

Miriam has worked for 22 years at Youth Line as a phone counsellor and accredited facilitator, training up phone counsellors. She is also a life-coach counsellor and has worked as a clinical supervisor. She has also run self awareness courses for women and parenting courses for 18 years. 

"I love to see people become aware of their own strengths, gain insights about themselves such as how they relate and interact with others and watch them grow as their insights create change within themselves, all within a safe space where we are able to let ourselves be vulnerable. Come and join us and find out how the magic happens"




Location: 9 Henderson Valley Road

West Auckland Enterprise Skills & Training

Course Start Date: Coming soon

For Bookings and Inquiries:

Email Miriam at

(10 spaces available only)


"This course has been a life changer for me. It came at just the right time when I was given the opportunity to move up the ladder in my career but I was too scared. However after Miriam's course I gained more confidence and removed some emotional baggage that was holding me back. 

I learned how to use boundary setting tools to become more authentic in my communication with others which gave me the ability to move through a challenging time to upgrade in my career without the usual stressors of worrying what others think and gave me the skills to navigate through life feeling safe, secure and knowing I am doing the right thing by myself and others around me by fully respecting myself and my boundaries. Life has never been easier navigating a challenging time in my life. Thank you Miriam! "

Chantelle Brown